Lyme-Old Lyme High School
Regional School District 18
School day
School starts at 7:45 AM and it ends at 2:24 PM. Students go to school 183 days a year. State law requires 180 days, and the state average is about 181 days.
Students get 22 minutes for lunch. They do not have recess.
Who goes here?
Lyme-Old Lyme High School serves students from Grade 9 to 12.
A total of 429 students attended Lyme-Old Lyme High School in the 2013-14 school year. The breakdown by gender and race is below:
By Gender
Percentage by Race
Who teaches here?
The ratio of students versus certified staff is below, broken down by type of staff member.
*What is a 'similar school'?
Student/Staff ratio
The total number of staff members is below.
Total Staff
The average age of general education teachers in 2012 was 46.5.
Average Age
The average experience of general education teachers in 2012 was 17.8 years.
Average Years of Experience
Administrators, Coordinators, Department Chairs are included in the breakdown below.
Number of Administrators, By Race
Number of General teachers, By Race
Administrators, Coordinators and Department Chairs, By Gender
General Teachers, By Gender
Average days absent per classroom teacher
Teacher salaries are broken down by subject type below. Note that averages for the state and similar schools compare teachers across all grade levels.
Teacher Salary
Other Achievement
CMT and CAPT classification
Schools are classified in one of six categories, based on the progress of students in each school, as measured by test scores for the CMT and CAPT and high school graduation rates. The top classification is (1) Excelling, followed by (2) Progressing, (3) Transitioning, (4) Review, (5) Focus and (6) Turnaround. (More information here.)
This school was classified as Excelling for the 2012-13 school year.
Class size
The average class sizes for high school are split by subject below.
High School
The average class had 17.5 students in the 2012-13 school year. Here's how that breaks down by subject:
Attendance rate
Below are the average daily attendance, broken down by subgroups: gender, high-need students and race.
By Gender
High-needs student attendance is below. If the value is unavailable, then the school either a) does not have enough students in the category for the data to be released or b) does not have any students in that categorization.
*What is a 'similar school'?
High-need students
This is the daily average attendance, by race. If the value is 0, then the school either a) does not have enough students in the category for the data to be released or b) does not have any students in that categorization.
By Race
Student Need
At this school, 5.4 percent of students were eligible for free or reduced lunch in the 2013-14 school year.
Students whose families make less than 130 percent of the poverty level are eligible for free meals. Those whose families make between 130 and 185 percent of the poverty level are eligible for reduced lunch. (Poverty level for 2014 can be seen here.)
At some schools, 100 percent of the students are eligible because of the "Community Eligibility Provision." If 40 percent of a school's students received free meals through a list of approved programs, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, all students at the school can receive free lunches and breakfasts without an application.
*What is a 'similar school'?
Percentage of students eligible for free/reduced lunch
Number of students eligible for free/reduced lunch
Foreign language speakers
Students whose dominant language is not English. Note: The value of "5" indicates that five or fewer student speak the language.
Student total
In 2013, 94 percent of seniors took the SAT. Participation rate looks at how many seniors take the test.
*What is a 'similar school'?
Number of students taking SAT
SAT Participation Rate
SAT Participation Rate Change from previous year
Number of Students taking SAT, By Gender
In 2013, the average score was 1649.58. The SAT is graded on a 600-2400 scale, with each section (math, critical reading and writing) worth 800 points.
SAT Score, By Gender
SAT Math section score, By Gender
SAT Reading section score, By Gender
SAT Writing section score, By Gender
Non-certified staff
In the 2011-12 school years, this school had 25 full-time equivalent non-certified staff.
*What is a 'similar school'?
Per 100 students
In 2011-12, the dropout rate was 0 percent.
Dropout rate
The number of disciplinary incidents is broken down by the incidents and rate (per 1,000 students).
*What is a 'similar school'?
Total incident
Below is the incident breakdown for the 2012-13 school year:
Incidents by type
Media and technology
Schools must keep track of their media and technology resources and report them each year.
Note: The 'volumes per student' data in 2012-13 is skewed by a single outlier school. Without that school, the average number of volumes per student in similar schools is 33.4.
Category 2011-12 Similar Statewide 2012-13 Similar Statewide
Students per computer 1.5 2.8 3.0 1.4 2.6 2.9
Pct connected to internet 100% 93.4% 98.0% 100% 94.1% 98.4%
Pct connected to high-speed internet 100% 93.4% 98.0% 100% 94.0% 98.3%
Pct of rooms connected to local area network 100% 98.6% 98.7% 100% 98.6% 99.0%
Pct of rooms connected to internet 100% 99.9% 99.6% 100% 99.9% 99.8%
Wireless network in school? -- -- Y -- --
Library in school? Y -- -- Y -- --
Volumes per student 37 32.5 29.5 36 68.0 32.9
Periodical subscriptions 51 21.4 21.5 51 21.7 21.1
Computers in library media center 26 17.6 21.7 26 19.1 23.1
Nonprint materials in library 725 533.5 513.2 725 551.7 495.2
The Connecticut Physical Fitness Assessment tests students on physical skills.
For 15-year-olds, the typical age of tenth graders when the start they year, the standard range is as follow:
For males: Sit-and-reach is 8 inches or above, for 90-degree push-ups it is 16 to 35, for curl-ups it is 24 to 47, and for the one-mile run, it is 7 to 9 minutes.
For females: Sit-and-reach is 12 inches or above, for 90-degree push-ups it is 7 to 15, for curl-ups it is 18 to 35, and for the one-mile run, it is 8 to 10.5 minutes.
Percentage of Tenth Graders passing